One year and one day ago, on 11/11/21, Online Weddings Utah was launched. Over the past year, Rev. Heron has officiated hundreds of weddings, and has met couples who were located in dozens of countries, representing all seven continents (yes, even Antarctica!).
As a way of celebrating this amazing milestone, we entered every couple who booked a wedding in the 31 days between 10/11 and 11/11 into a prize drawing. The drawing was for a chance to win a refund of the fees they paid for their wedding ceremony. And most couples were probably not even aware there was a chance to do so!
But, true to our word, that drawing was held on 11/12, and three lucky couples were chosen for the Birthday giveaway. All have had their wedding fees 100% refunded, and have been notified via email. So we are pleased to offer congratulations to Nick & Mary Rose, to Peter and Jeanie, and to the third couple who wishes to remain anonymous, and are referred to here as K & N.
Thank you to everyone for being part of this incredible past year, and here’s to many more to come!